woman overwhelmed frustrated.

How to Declutter Your Home When You’re Overwhelmed

Did you know the average American home contains over 300,000 items? It’s no wonder so many of us feel paralyzed at the thought of decluttering it. When every surface and every drawer feels like a hidden challenge that will never end, it’s easy to feel stuck. However, you don’t have to do it all at…

mature woman smiling confident in chair.

Five Areas to Declutter Before the New Year Starts

Before you start the New Year with the same old clutter, it’s time to clear a few areas. You don’t have to completely declutter and organize. Just a little something that gets you primed for the New Year. After all, a decluttered space equals a decluttered mind. And if we’re being honest–who doesn’t want that…

woman standing in store shopping.

The Real Reason You Wait Until the Last Minute to Do Your Christmas

You tell yourself every year it’ll be different. You’ll start early. Beat the crowds. Avoid the chaos.  But here you are again. Sweating over gift lists on December 24th. Fighting for parking spots like it’s the Hunger Games. Wondering why you always do this to yourself.  I get it. I know because this used to…

strawberry mocktail.

Easy Strawberry Mocktail Recipe With Fresh Ingredients and a Fizzy Twist

This strawberry mocktail offers a harmonious blend of sweet and tart flavors, creating a refreshing and lively treat. It’s a delightful balance of fruity, citrusy, and effervescent flavors, making it a perfect choice for a refreshing and satisfying drink. The natural sweetness of the strawberries is complemented by the tangy freshness of the lemon juice,…

emotional connection intimacy close up couple.

The Unspoken Rules of Building Emotional Connection in Your Relationship

Relationships are hard, but we all want one. Deep down, what we really crave is that lovey-dovey, borderline nauseating connection that just works. We want to feel loved, understood and cared for—without all the drama. Everyone says relationships take work, that the spark fades, and disconnection is inevitable. But does it really have to be…

woman decluttering organizing clothes on bed.

Let Go Faster With These 7 Decluttering Questions Instead of Does This Spark Joy

Does this spark joy? It’s a question made famous by Marie Kondo, the queen of tidying up. Her method took the world by storm, promising simplicity and clarity with every discarded item.  People across the globe, including myself, found themselves holding up mismatched socks and coffee mugs, asking if they felt an inexplicable spark. For…

woman opening door for guests at home.

The Psychology of Decluttering: How to See Your Home Through the Eyes of a Stranger

Albert Einstein said it best: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” That’s how Joshua Becker began his article A Simple Trick for Decluttering: Look at Your Home Like a Stranger, and it immediately got me thinking—wow, that’s brilliant. We often do the same things…

father and son eating healthy in kitchen.

What Happens to Your Body When You Cut out Sugar

Sugar is everywhere. It’s in your morning coffee creamer, your “healthy” granola bar, and probably that innocent-looking salad dressing in your fridge.  The American Heart Association says you should limit added sugar to 25 grams a day if you’re a woman and 36 grams if you’re a man. That’s about six teaspoons. However, the average American consumes…

woman smiling on couch happy.

I Tried the 90-90 Rule and Decluttered 113 Items From My Bedroom Closet

I help people declutter and organize their spaces all the time. It’s kind of my thing.  I didn’t think I needed to do much more in my own home–after all, everything has a place to live. That’s enough, right? Wrong. Trying the 90-90 rule reminded me that decluttering is an ongoing journey. Stuff is always…

woman frustrated opening door.

10 Reasons Your House Looks Messy Even After You Tidy-up

Ever wonder why your house still looks messy, even though you’re constantly tidying up? Like, you vacuumed yesterday, folded the laundry this morning, and yet somehow, your place still gives off clutter vibes. Frustrating, right? It’s not that you’re lazy or disorganized. You’re doing the work. But there are sneaky little habits and overlooked details…

woman exhausted and stressed at home.

10 Early Signs of Stress Sneaking into Your Life

Stress doesn’t always show up announced. It can be sneaky–you can’t sleep, your patience tanks, and suddenly you’re crying over burnt toast. This time of year, it’s worst. Holidays, deadlines before the end of the year, family drama–it’s a lot. If you don’t recognize the signs early, it’ll take over. 1. You’re Forgetting Everyday Stuff  …

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