
How to Manifest Someone Out of Your Life in 5 Simple Steps

Many people are turning to the Law of Attraction and manifestation to help them create the life they desire. They want to manifest their crush, an ex, or even a brand new apartment.

But can you manifest someone out of your life? The short answer is YES, it’s possible.

But be careful what you wish for. Removal is a strong, and frequently negative, emotion.

Even when we are not fully conscious of it, we are constantly manifesting our realities. Like attracts like, according to the Law of Attraction.

It is a law that states that whatever you put out into the universe will eventually come back to you, and you can see this in your own life.

This law, of course, applies to human relationships as well. So, here is how to use the Law of Attraction to remove someone from your life.

Continue reading to learn how to manifest someone out of your life in 5 easy steps.

Manifesting Someone Out of Your Life


This question falls into the category of “Be careful what you ask for, because you may get it.”

It will come true if you set an intention that you want someone specific out of your life.

You already know that in order to manifest your desires, you must be positive.

However, if you want someone out of your life, it can be difficult because you don’t necessarily want them out for positive reasons!

The challenge is that you must think of something positive to focus on, and the simplest way to do so is to focus on replacement rather than removal.

So, instead, attract people into your life who share your values and are only concerned with the well-being of themselves and others.

Meanwhile, keep improving yourself so that you can be as good a friend/partner, etc to them as they will be to you.

That is a relationship that will not disappoint you in the end.

But, if you still want to know how to manifest someone out of your life, here are the 5 simple steps you have to take.

Step 1: Get Clear on What you Want and Why.

The first step in manifesting someone out of your life is to define what you want and why you want it.

You’re sending mixed signals to the Universe if you don’t know what you want. As a result, your results will be unfavorable.

Journaling is one of the most effective methods for gaining clarity about your desires.

So, take out your journal and jot down the name of the person you want to remove from your life, as well as the reasons for your desire.

Answer the following question:

Why do you want this person completely removed from your life?

Dedicate a lot of time to answering this question.

Make your “why” as specific as possible, because it determines whether you attract positive or negative experiences.

You will get negative results if you want someone completely removed from your life for a negative reason, such as desperation, or jealousy.

Because you manifest from a place of scarcity and “need,” it is possible that your manifestation will not take place.

However, if your desire to manifest someone out of your life is supported by positive energy, such as happiness, love, and joy, your desire will be manifested.

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Step 2: Visualize them as if they are no Longer a Part of your Life.

The second step in manifesting someone out of your life is to practice visualization.

Your reality is manifested as a result of your energy.

Visualization, which is one of the best manifestation techniques available, is the best way to get into the feeling of someone being removed from your life.

For this exercise, find a quiet place where you can be alone for a while. Also, turn off or put your phone in Airplane mode. It is very important that you are not disturbed.

Relax your body and mind by taking a few deep breaths.

Using the information you jotted down in step 1, imagine how you’ll feel when your desire comes true.

Imagine how much different your life would be if that specific person wasn’t in it. Make this mental scenario as real as possible by visualizing all of the little details of your day-to-day life.

Focus on the high vibrational energy that this brings you once you have a strong mental image of your life without them. Feel how good it makes you feel.

This is the kind of energy you want to be surrounded by while manifesting.

When you are happy, joyful, and loving, you will attract experiences that match your energy, according to the Law of Attraction.

When negative thoughts begin to enter your mind, use visualization to quickly raise your vibration back to positive emotions.

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Step 3: Eliminate any Limiting Beliefs.

The third step in manifesting someone out of your life is to identify and eliminate your limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are beliefs that limit your abilities and prevent you from reaching your goals.

“I am too old to learn,” for example, is a limiting belief because it assumes that age automatically equates to the inability to learn new things.

Limitations can also refer to life circumstances over which a person has no control, such as a lack of money or health problems.

People who hold these beliefs may end up feeling sorry for themselves or giving up entirely because they believe they have no power to change their circumstances.

They also reduce your ability to manifest by dragging your energy down into a low vibration state.

And if you’re in a bad mood, you’ll attract bad things.

Some common limiting beliefs are:

  • There’s no way I can manifest them out from my life.
  • It simply will not work.
  • But I see them every single day!
  • They even live next to me!

The good news is that limiting beliefs can be overcome! Overcoming your limiting beliefs can lead to success in all aspects of your life.

You must change your perceptions of yourself and others.

Remember that anything is possible with the Law of Attraction, if you believe it enough.

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Step 4: Recite Positive Affirmations.

The next step in manifesting the removal of someone is to recite positive affirmations.

Affirmations are an excellent tool for combating self-limiting beliefs. They are positive statements or phrases used to counteract negative thinking.

The more you repeat an affirmation, the more it will work to form a new belief or habit in your subconscious mind.

Here are some affirmations to repeat aloud to manifest someone out of your life:

  1. I am grateful that (name) is no longer a part of my life.
  2. My desire is that I won’t see (name) ever again.
  3. My life without (name) is so much better!
  4. I love my life as it is currently.
  5. I have the power to change my life and be happy again.
  6. Life is too short for me to waste it on a bad person.

If you’re new to the world of affirmations, here‘s a step-by-step guide that will answer all of your questions.

But keep in mind that, affirmations should not just be said for the sake of saying them.

Pick a handful that resonate with you and visualize how you’d feel if you followed through with the affirmation.

You can also write your own affirmations. Nobody understands you or your situation better than you!

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Step 5: Detach Yourself from the Outcome.

The final step is to step back and allow the Universe to guide you.

Many people make mistakes at this stage because they are preoccupied with their specific person, whether or not their manifestation was successful, and when it will occur.

This is a no-no because it effectively negates all of your previous efforts. Worry, pessimism, and obsession all lower your vibration and throw you off-kilter with the Universe.

If you give off needy, negative energy, the other person, and the Universe, will sense it. If you can show that you can let go of the other person, the other person will follow through!

Believe that the Universe’s plan always outweighs yours and is always for the best.

Continue to follow these five steps to keep your vibrational energy high, and you will undoubtedly attract loving experiences into your life and negative experiences out of it.

Read next: How to Manifest Someone to Talk to You in 5 Steps

Final Thoughts

Contrary to popular belief, manifesting someone out of your life is possible because the Law of Attraction knows no bounds.

You must be crystal clear, visualize it, eliminate your self-limiting beliefs, recite positive affirmations, and then trust the manifestation process.

Keep in mind that we are powerful creators with the ability to shape our own lives. Use that power to your advantage.

Happy manifesting!

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Theresa Bedford is a minimal-ish advocate, storyteller, and wellness enthusiast who believes that simplicity is the key to wellness and a more intentional, fulfilling life. After realizing she was spending too much time searching for things—both physically and mentally—she embraced minimalism, not as a rigid rule, but as a way to create space for what truly matters.

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