How to Manifest Someone to Fall in Love with You 369 Method!
Learning how to manifest someone to fall in love with you with the 369 manifestation method involves setting a clear intention and writing a specific intention statement three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening for 33 days.
By repeating positive affirmations, the 369 Manifestation Method raises your energetic vibration.
It can assist you in attaining vibrational alignment with your desire and then attracting it into your reality via the Law of Attraction.
The 369 manifestation method for love is ideal if you thrive on following routines when manifesting.
Continue reading to learn how to manifest someone to fall in love with you using the 369 method for a person.

Have you ever wished that you could manifest someone to fall in love with you? It sounds like a magical thing, but it’s actually possible for anyone.
With the right techniques and mindset, you can attract the person of your dreams into your life.
The 369 Method for a relationship is one approach that has been proven successful for many people.
Here’s how:
Table of Contents
Step 1: Have a Clear and Specific Intention.

The first step in manifesting someone to fall in love with you with the 369 method is to be very clear about what you want to manifest and why.
You’re sending mixed signals to the Universe if you don’t know what you want. As a result, you will have unfavorable outcomes.
Remember that a confusing message will never receive a clear answer.
The most effective way to clarify your desires is to keep a journal. So, get your journal out and write down what you want to attract into your life and why.
Make a note of the person’s name, then explain why you want them to fall in love with you.
For instance, “I want {name} to fall in love with me because…“
Make your “why” as specific as possible; it will determine whether you attract positive or negative experiences.
Most people make one big mistake when it comes to manifesting a specific person to fall in love with them: they focus on how and when it will happen.
Don’t do it. Obsessing over your manifestation will actually prevent it from happening.
Set that intention in stone and ignore the how and when.
Your only task is to decide if you truly want to manifest that specific person to fall in love with you and to begin imagining what that relationship might look like.
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Step 2: Create an Intention Statement.

You must turn your desire into an intention statement once you know exactly what you want and why you want to manifest it.
This is a simple and direct ‘affirmation’ that you can focus on to direct your thoughts and emotions toward realizing your desires.
You must write this in your own words, using words that are meaningful to you.
Make sure you write it as if it’s already happened, with emotion and meaningful words that allow you to SEE yourself receiving that special someone’s love.
For example:
“I, Sergios, am so grateful and happy to receive the love of {name} because she is the only person I want to talk to and spend my time with. It makes me feel amazing and loved, and I deserve it.”
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Step 3: In the Morning, Write your Affirmation 3 Times.

You’ll need a manifestation journal for this, which I recommend carrying with you at all times for the next 33 days.
It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but if you believe it will help you stick to this manifestation method, go ahead and do it.
I also advise you not to use your computer or phone.
Writing down your intention on a piece of paper is critical because there is a link between writing it, seeing it, and visualizing it that typing does not provide.
So, before you do anything else, grab your journal and write your intention statement three times as soon as you wake up in the morning.
The key is to be present, block out all other thoughts, and focus solely on what you’re writing.
Allow the words to conjure up images in your mind, and truly BE in that future reality where you’ve already received that text from that specific person.
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Step 4: In the Afternoon, Write your Affirmation 6 Times.

You will now repeat your affirmation six more times.
Because your mind will have many more distractions to deal with than it did in the morning, it will most likely take more time to really focus on the intention.
You will undoubtedly face challenges and distractions throughout the day, so schedule 15 minutes in the middle of the day to “switch off.”
However, if your desire and “why” are strong enough, you will find the time and willpower to complete the task.
We make time for the things that are important to us.
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Step 5: Before Going to Bed, Write your Affirmation 9 Times.

Before going to bed, write your affirmation 9 times.
This gives you more time to focus on and visualize the loving relationship the two of you have.
More time is often required on your intention statement, and it also serves another purpose.
When this is the last thing on your mind before going to bed, your subconscious can focus on your desire while you sleep.
This is an effective strategy, and most people consider everything that is wrong or could go wrong before falling asleep.
Their subconscious mind will then dwell on and focus on all of their negative thoughts throughout the night.
You should channel your thoughts. Determine what you want your subconscious to create and instruct it on how to do so.
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Final Thoughts
That being said, you now know how to manifest someone to fall in love with you with the 369 manifestation method.
Remember, the Law of Attraction states that we attract more of what we focus on into our lives.
In other words, if we focus on something long enough, or visualize it as already being ours – whether it’s a car or a text message – we will see those thoughts come true by acting on them.
Have fun manifesting!
Theresa Bedford is a minimal-ish advocate, storyteller, and wellness enthusiast who believes that simplicity is the key to wellness and a more intentional, fulfilling life. After realizing she was spending too much time searching for things—both physically and mentally—she embraced minimalism, not as a rigid rule, but as a way to create space for what truly matters.