How To Manifest Your Ex Back Fast: 369 Method
Yes, you can learn how to manifest your ex back using the Law of Attraction. In fact, it’s one of the most common things people manifest every day.
Many people have used the Law of Attraction to manifest their crush, a new house, and even money. But can you manifest your ex back?
Even when we are not fully conscious of it, we are constantly manifesting our realities. Like attracts like, according to the Law of Attraction.
It is a law that states that whatever you put out into the universe will eventually come back to you, and you can see this in your own life.
This law, of course, applies to love.
Table of Contents
How to Manifest your Ex Back Fast in 5 Simple Steps
Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to manifest your ex back in 5 simple steps.

Manifesting an ex back can be a tricky process because most people will experience some form of resistance holding them back while doing so.
The key here is to feel the energy of what you want to attract into your life.
Whether you are aware of it or not, the Universe is always responding to your energy.
You will attract negative outcomes if you send out low-vibe energy into the Universe. However, when you send out high-vibe energy into the Universe, you will attract the results you want.
The Universe will always send you people, experiences, and outcomes that match your vibrational frequency. We’ll explain this process in further detail below.
Manifest your ex back with the Law of Attraction in 5 steps:
- Get crystal clear about what you want to manifest and why.
- Visualize as if you’re back together.
- Acknowledge and eliminate any limiting beliefs you might have.
- Recite positive affirmations.
- Let go and trust the universe.
Let’s get started.
Step 1: Get Crystal Clear about Why you Want your Ex Back.

The first step in manifesting your ex back is to define what you want and why you want it.
If you don’t know what you want, you’re sending mixed signals to the Universe. As a result, your results will be unfavorable.
Remember that a confusing message never receives a clear response.
Journaling is one of the most effective methods for gaining clarity about your desires.
So, take out your journal and jot down the name of the ex you want to manifest, as well as the reasons for your desire to be back together.
For example, “I want to manifest {name} back into my life because...”
Make your “why” as specific as possible, because it determines whether you attract positive or negative experiences. This is how to manifest your ex back on paper, by journaling about it and making it a goal.
You will get negative results if you want someone to be obsessed with you for a negative reason, such as loneliness, desperation, or jealousy.
Because you manifest from a place of scarcity and “need,” it is possible that your desire will not manifest.
However, if your desire to manifest your ex back is supported by positive energy, such as happiness, love, and joy, your desire will be fulfilled.
So, when journaling, be honest with yourself because it will make the manifestation process easier and the outcome more powerful.
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Step 2: Visualize Yourself as if you’re Back Together with your Ex.

The next step on how to manifest your ex back is to practice visualization.
Whatever energy and focus you put out into the Universe will be returned to you.
The best way to experience the sensation of being back with your ex is through visualization, which is one of the most effective manifestation techniques available.
For this exercise, find a quiet place where you can be alone for a while. Also, turn off or put your phone in Airplane mode. It is critical that you are not disturbed.
Relax your body and mind by taking a few deep breaths.
Using the information you jotted down in step 1, imagine how you’ll feel when your desire comes true.
Visualize their face, personality, the things you do together, and the pleasant memories you will share – anything that will make you feel as if you are back together with your ex.
This is the kind of energy you want to be surrounded by while manifesting.
Focus on the high vibrational energy that this brings you once you have a strong mental image of them and their actions toward you. Visualize how good it makes you feel.
According to the Law of Attraction, when you are happy, joyful, and loving, you will attract experiences that match your energy.
When your limiting beliefs begin to take hold, use this visualization practice to quickly raise your vibration back to positive emotions.
By visualizing, you set powerful intentions to get your ex back quickly!
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Step 3: Get Rid of Any Limiting Beliefs you Might Have.

The third step in manifesting your ex back is to identify and eliminate your limiting beliefs.
Limiting beliefs are beliefs that limit your abilities and prevent you from reaching your goals.
Limiting beliefs reduce your ability to manifest by dragging your energy down into a low vibration state.
These thoughts influence how we perceive ourselves, which can lead to feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness.
Some common limiting beliefs when attempting to manifest an ex back are:
- They don’t even want to talk to me.
- There’s no way I can make them fall in love with me again.
- It simply will not work.
- We will never be back together.
- They moved on.
The good news is that limiting beliefs can be overcome!
Overcoming your limiting beliefs can lead to success in all aspects of your life, including bringing back your ex.
By engaging in positive self-talk and changing our way of thinking, we can break free from these negative thoughts.
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Step 4: Recite Positive Affirmations.

The next step is to practice positive affirmations.
Affirmations are the most powerful tool for overcoming limiting beliefs. Affirmations are positive statements or phrases used to counteract negative thinking.
They can be spoken aloud or written down; either method is effective. If you’re new to affirmations, here is a step-by-step guide on how to practice them.
Here are some affirmations to say aloud to get your ex back:
- I am confident that I will get back with my ex.
- I am so grateful that my ex has returned to my life.
- My heart is overflowing with joy that we are back together.
- I’mso happy to be back together!
- My ex has returned to my life at just the right time.
- I am in a loving and positive frame of mind.
- I am deserving of everything good in my life, including love.
You’ll probably grin or laugh if you say these affirmations aloud, thinking you’re crazy.
This is a good thing because affirmations are supposed to be associated with happiness and positive emotions.
The most important thing to remember when using positive affirmations is that it is all about how you feel.
When affirmations make you feel good about yourself, they are most effective.
Also, affirmations should not be said just for the sake of saying them.
So choose a few that speak to you and visualize how it feels.
Pro tip: You could also make up your own affirmations! Nobody understands you or your situation better than you. Here’s how to.
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Step 5: Detach Yourself from the Outcome.

The final step in manifesting your ex is to take a step back and let the Universe guide you.
That’s right, you have to detach yourself from the result and stop caring whether or not you get back together.
Many people make mistakes at this stage because they are constantly focused on their ex, whether or not their manifestation was successful, and when it will happen.
This is a big mistake because it effectively negates your entire effort.
Worry, obsession, and pessimism lower your vibration and throw you off balance with the Universe.
If you give off needy energy, the other person will sense it. If you can demonstrate that you can let go, the other person will come after you!
Remember, no one wants a desperate, needy person. So put yourself first, before them.
How to Manifest Your Ex Back with 369 Method
The 369 method for manifesting your ex back entails writing down your desire three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times before bed, for 33 straight days.
If you thrive on routines when it comes to manifesting, the 369 method is perfect for you because it lays out concrete steps on what to do and how long to do it for.
It can help you become vibrationally aligned with your desire and then attract it into your reality via the Law of Attraction.
We are constantly manifesting our realities, even when we are not fully conscious of it. According to the Law of Attraction, like attracts like.
It is a universal law that states that whatever you put out into the universe will eventually return to you, and you can see this in your own life.
Of course, this law applies to love.
Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to use the 369 method to manifest your ex in 5 simple steps.

If you want to manifest your ex back using the 369 method, you must first understand this.
Whether you are aware of it or not, the Universe is always responding to your energy.
So, feeling the energy of what you want to experience is the key to manifesting.
You will attract negative outcomes if you send out low-vibe energy into the Universe. However, when you send out high-vibe energy into the Universe, you will attract the results you want.
As a result, the Universe will always send you people, experiences, and outcomes that match your vibrational frequency.
Manifest your ex with the 369 method in 5 steps:
- Decide if you truly want to manifest your ex back.
- Make an intention statement.
- In the morning, write your affirmations 3 times.
- In the afternoon, write your affirmation 6 times.
- Before going to bed, write your affirmations 9 times.
369 Method: Get Clear on Why You Want to Manifest your Ex Back.

The first step in manifesting your ex back using the 369 method is to be absolutely certain of what you want to manifest and why.
You’re sending mixed signals to the Universe if you don’t know what you want. As a result, your outcomes will be negative.
Remember that a convoluted message will never receive a straightforward response.
Like attracts like, according to the Law of Attraction.
So get your journal and a pen ready. These are needed for the next 33 days.
I’d recommend writing all of this instead of typing it on a laptop or phone because there is real power in putting pen to paper.
The most effective way to clarify your desires is to keep a journal. So, take out your journal and answer the following questions:
- Why do I want to see my ex again?
- Do I really want them, or am I just missing the security of being in a relationship?
- Would I be content in this relationship, or do I simply want them back because I’m afraid of being alone?
- Is it okay if they don’t return?
- Is it better for me to just move on?
When answering these questions, be honest with yourself because it will make the process easier and the outcome more powerful.
Also, make your “why” as specific as possible; this will determine whether your desire is realized or not.
Most people make one major mistake when it comes to manifesting a boyfriend: they focus on how and when it will happen.
This is a big no-no. Obsessing over your manifestation will keep it from happening.
Set that intention in your mind and don’t worry about how or when it will be fulfilled.
Your only task is to decide whether you truly want to manifest a boyfriend and to start visualizing how this relationship will develop.
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369 Method: Create an Affirmation Statement.

The next step in manifesting a boyfriend using the 369 method is to write down your intention statement.
Now that you know what you want to manifest and why, you must turn your desire into a statement of intention.
This is a brief “affirmation” that you can repeat to direct your thoughts and emotions toward the manifestation of your desires.
As an example,
“I am so grateful to the Universe for aligning with my desires to bring back {name} into my life, bringing love, happiness, and joy.”
“I am so excited that {name} said that he still loves me and wants us to get back together!”
It all comes down to using words that exaggerate the emotion and energy you want to attract. As you can see, I used words such as love, gratitude, and excitement, all of which you can really feel in your body.
This intention statement must be written in your own words, using meaningful words to you.
Also, write it as if it happened already, with emotion and meaningful language that allows you to SEE yourself in a relationship with your boyfriend.
Remember that feeling the energy of your desire is the key to manifesting.
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369 Method: Write your Affirmation 3 Times in the Morning.

First thing in the morning, take out your journal and write the affirmation you created above three times.
The key is to remain present, to block out all other thoughts and distractions, and to focus solely on what you’re writing.
Allow the words to conjure up images in your mind, and truly BE in that future reality where you’ve already started dating your ex.
Detach yourself from the outcome and resume your morning routine as usual. Don’t think too hard about your manifestation.
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369 Method: Write your Affirmation 6 Times in the Afternoon.

Midday, take out your journal and repeat the above intention statement six times, perhaps during your lunch break.
Continue with the previous steps, immersing yourself in the energy of how you want it to feel and visualizing yourself in the presence of your desire.
Because your mind will be dealing with far more distractions than it did in the morning, it will almost certainly take longer to truly focus on the intention.
However, if you have a strong enough desire and “why,” you will be able to find the time and willpower to finish the task.
We make time for the things that are important to us.
Also, I have one piece of advice for you: make an effort to smile.
When I’m manifesting, I frequently force myself to smile at first because it tricks your brain into instantly lifting your mood and lowering your stress.
When you write down your desire, a forced smile will quickly turn into a natural one. Try it out for yourself and let me know what you think!
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369 Method: Write your Affirmation 9 Times Before Bed.

Finally, before going to bed, open your journal and repeat your high-vibe affirmation 9 times.
Doing this before going to bed allows you more time to think about and visualize how much money you’ll manifest.
More time spent on your intention statement is often required, and it serves another purpose.
When you have this as your final thought before going to bed, your subconscious mind will be able to focus on your desire while you sleep.
This is a good strategy because most people, before falling asleep, think about everything that is wrong or could go wrong.
As a result, their subconscious mind will dwell on and focus on all of their negative thoughts throughout the night.
Remember that manifestation is completely dependent on how you feel. You must cultivate and sustain positive energy in order to manifest your desires.
As a result, if you approach manifesting your ex back with a negative attitude, you are shooting yourself in the foot.
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As you can see, manifesting your ex back using the 369 method is a simple process.
The most difficult part is dealing with your own feelings, thoughts, and limiting beliefs.
Ultimately, how quickly you can eliminate your limiting beliefs and remain consistent day in and day out for 33 days determines your success with the 369 method.
How to Manifest your Ex Back Fast Using The 369 Method – Conclusion
As you can see, manifesting your ex back with the Law of Attraction is quite simple.
Dealing with your feelings, thoughts, and limiting beliefs can be the challenging part.
Ultimately, your success of manifesting your ex back is determined by how quickly you can eliminate your limiting beliefs, remain patient, and not obsess over your desired outcome.
To summarize, the five steps are as follows:
- Get crystal clear about what you want to manifest and why.
- Make an intention statement.
- Visualize as if you’re back together.
- Acknowledge and eliminate any limiting beliefs you might have.
- In the morning, write your affirmations 3 times.
- In the afternoon, write your affirmation 6 times.
- Before going to bed, write your affirmations 9 times.
- Let go and trust the universe.
Believe that the Universe’s plan always outweighs yours and is always for the best.
The most important takeaway from this article is to be patient and trust that the Universe has your back.
Simply forget about it, relax, and watch your desire manifest.
Even if you don’t get back together, you might manifest an even better relationship with a better person, so be open to all possibilities because the Universe knows best.
Theresa Bedford is a minimal-ish advocate, storyteller, and wellness enthusiast who believes that simplicity is the key to wellness and a more intentional, fulfilling life. After realizing she was spending too much time searching for things—both physically and mentally—she embraced minimalism, not as a rigid rule, but as a way to create space for what truly matters.