75 Loving Affirmations To Attract Love

75 Loving Affirmations To Attract Love In Your Life

Some people get disappointed in love when they’ve got their heart broken, or when they give love but they don’t receive it back. Another reason is when they get betrayed or let down(1).

Everyone deserves to have a happy, healthy, and loving relationship in order to experience the happiness, joy, and fulfillment of giving and receiving love.

If you’ve recently got through a breakup, or you just haven’t met your soulmate yet, this set of loving affirmations can help to open your heart and put you in a state of attracting love energy, and attract the right person for you.

How To Use Loving Affirmations To Attract Love?

A good affirmation has five basic ingredients:

  • It’s personal.
  • It’s positive.
  • It’s present tense.
  • It’s visual.
  • It’s emotional.

For example: “I (personal) love (emotional) the positive energy (positive) that love brings (present tense). And then you can visualize it.

Pick 3-4 loving affirmations that deeply resonate with you and repeat them daily. Spend a few minutes each day and totally relax your mind and body.

If you do this, day by day your behavior will change.

You’ll start to get into the mindset of love, appreciating every small act of love, where before you wouldn’t even notice.

This set of loving affirmations is broken down into 5 categories:

  • Loving affirmations
  • Positive love affirmations
  • Powerful affirmations for attracting love
  • Affirmations for finding love
  • Affirmations for manifesting love.

Once you feel that you need a new pair of love affirmations, pick another few from this list, or create your own, using the five basic ingredients I’ve mentioned above! Make sure to share your personal affirmations down below.

75 Positive Loving Affirmations To Attract Love In Your Life

75 Positive Loving Affirmations To Attract Love In Your Life

1. I am relaxed and ready to receive love.

2. I deserve love and happiness.

3. Finding love is easy.

4. I attract naturally loving relationships in my life.

5. I am loved more than I ever thought possible.

6. I recognize love when I see it.

7. I am ready to feel love to its fullest.

8. I am perfect just as I am, and worthy of love.

9. I am ready for love passion and commitment.

10. My relationships get better day by day.

11. My heart is open and ready to love.

12. I am a magnet to love.

13. I am grateful for the good relationships in my life.

14. Love is already all around me.

15. My heart is overflowing with love.

positive love affirmations

16. I love the positive energy that love brings.

17. I think positive thoughts about love to increase love and attraction.

18. I am loving and open to love.

19. I love myself more and more every day.

20. I think positively about love and relationships.

21. I am lovable and my heart is open for love.

22. I am a wonderful loving person.

23. I have so much love to give and I am ready to receive love.

24. I am lovable.

25. I am more than happy to give and receieve love each and every day!

26. Love starts with me.

27. I am attracting love in my life.

28. I spread loving kidness everywhere I go.

29. Love is the answer.

30. I have the power to love, no matter what.

Powerful affirmations for attracting love

31. I attract a genuine and understanding partner.

32. I give out love and receive love.

33. The love that I seek is also seeking me.

34. I give out love and it is returned to me, many times over.

35. The universe is moving me towards more love.

36. Everything I do brings me closer to love.

37. I am attracting unconditional love.

38. I give and receive love in abundance.

39. The more I love a person, the more they love me in return.

40. I am becoming more positive about love every day and attracting love.

41. I’m ready for love , I attract ever lasting love.

42. The more I relax and appreciate myself, the more love I attract in my life.

43. I feel loved.

44. I am vibrating at the frequency of love.

45. Everywhere I go I find love.

46. I am surrounded by love.

47. I am open to unconditional love.

48. Today, and every day, I am blessed with infinite love.

49. My love grows stronger every day.

affirmations for finding love

50. The universe wants to bring me, my perfect partner.

51. The right person is on their way, and they are worth waiting for.

52. Someone out there is ready to love me just as I am, and appreciate me.

53. I am attracting a relationship with trust and mutual respect.

54. When I meet that special person, everything will just fall into place.

55. I am attracting a lasting relationship.

56. I am attracting my soulmate.

57. Someone is looking for a special person just like me. It’s just a matter of time.

58. I believe in my ability to attract my soulmate.

59. I am ready to share life with my soulmate.

60. I naturally attract loving and healthy relationships into my life.

affirmations for manifesting love

61. I am unconditionally loving.

62. My heart is open to finding love.

63. All the love I need is already within me.

64. Today, I am choosing to be loved.

65. I attract and manifest love easily and effortlessly.

66. I love life, and life loves me back.

67. Now that I love myself, others love me too.

68. I am loved fully and completely.

69. I radiate love from within.

70. I am worthy of deep, maningful love.

71. I commit to letting love into my life now.

72. I release any fears and resistances around being loved now.

73. I am open to giving my pure love.

74. There are countless opportunities to meet my love.

75. I trust the universe to send me my ideal match.

75 powerful affirmations to attract and manifest love

Have you tried practicing positive affirmations for attracting love and healthy relationships in your life?

Tell me your favorite positive loving affirmations in the comments!

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Theresa Bedford is a minimal-ish advocate, storyteller, and wellness enthusiast who believes that simplicity is the key to wellness and a more intentional, fulfilling life. After realizing she was spending too much time searching for things—both physically and mentally—she embraced minimalism, not as a rigid rule, but as a way to create space for what truly matters.

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