45+ Positive Affirmations for your Son
A mother’s love for her child is unconditional and pure. A mother always wants the best for their son.
One way to help your son is to affirm positive thoughts and words about him.
This will reinforce the good qualities he displays, while helping you focus on what’s right, instead of what’s wrong.
Positive affirmations are an important part of parenting because they teach children how to love themselves for who they are.
They also provide a sense of security that their parents will always be there for them no matter what may come in the future.
Keep on reading to discover 45+ positive affirmations for your son!
Table of Contents
Are Affirmations Good for Children?
Hearing positive affirmations as a child can help to shape the way they see themselves and think about their potential.
If you want to be sure that your son hears these messages, take a few minutes each day to say them out loud to him.
Encourage him by telling him how great he is or what a good job he did on something as simple as getting dressed today. I’m going to share with you a very private story:
A very close friend of mine was diagnosed with ADHD 2 years ago.
His mother loves him so much, and she wants the best for him, but it’s hard to know what that is when he doesn’t tell her how he feels.
A teacher told his parents that they should start doing positive affirmations with their son throughout the day.
So far, they’ve been working great! My friend has never looked happier or more energized in his whole life!
His parents told me that they feel like every day there are new things to celebrate about him – from getting an A on a math quiz to coming up with a really cool idea for his science project.
They’re so happy about the changes they’ve seen in their relationship with him as well as all of the amazing changes in his personality.
Here are some of the positive affirmations they used to say to their son.
Recite them when he needs reassurance that you are there for him, supporting him through anything life may throw at him.
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Positive Affirmations for my Son
If you are looking for a way to build up your son’s self-esteem, try using these positive affirmations.
They will help them feel more confident about themselves and their abilities.
Here is an example that may work well with your little one: “You’re awesome because…”
Fill in what he likes best about himself, his favorite sports team, color, etc., so it feels personal to him.
There are many ways to use positive affirmations; make sure this is done every day!
It makes all the difference in how kids view themselves, which impacts how others see them too.
Here’s a list of positive affirmations you can say to your son:
- You are a great kid.
- I am proud of you.
- I love you so much!
- I believe in you!
- It’s okay to be who you are.
- You have the power to do anything and everything that you want to do.
- You’re smart and capable
- Keep going!
- You did it!
- It’s okay to make mistakes.
- You are such a good son.
- I’m listening.
- You always do your best and I am so proud of you.
- It’s okay if sometimes we don’t understand each other because that means we’re growing together as a family!
- I know it can be hard to try new things but I’m here for you no matter what.
- I want to spend time with you today – is there anything special that you would like to do?
- Your dad and I love you very much.
- I know you will do great things in life.
- I’m proud of the person that you are becoming!
- You are a handsome, capable boy.
- I love you, my sweet boy.
- It’s okay to make mistakes – we all do sometimes.
- You make me happy!
- You did it all on your own? Amazing!
- You are extremely brave!
- I admire how you never give up.
- You have a huge heart!
- You have a fantastic sense of humor.
- I am alwayst here for you.
- I trust you.
- I respect your opinion.
- I know you are capable of doing this.
- You always share great ideas.
- Your smile is very beautiful.
- I forgive you.
- It’s okay to cry.
- It’s never too late to do what you want to do.
- Your opinion matters and I care about it.
- I am proud of you for trying your hardest.
- You deserve the best in life.
- You are talented.
- You are a good friend.
- You are loved by many people in the world.
- It’s okay to be sad sometimes, but try not to worry too much about it.
- This is your time to shine!
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In Summary
Remember to be patient when saying these positive affirmations to your son so he understands what you’re trying to say rather than just repeating words, just for the sake of it.
Make sure your children receive plenty of praise with these positive affirmations for your son if you want them to be more confident and successful adults with stronger interpersonal relationships.
Theresa Bedford is a lifestyle and relationship writer with a passion for self-development and to live life to the fullest. She writes about relationships, mindfulness, and simple living. Her work has been seen on the AP newswire, MSN, Wealth of Geeks, Media Decision, and more.