Can You Manifest The Same Thing More Than Once? {Yes, Here’s Why)


Many people have manifested great things into their lives. But, can you manifest the same thing more than once?

Yes, you can manifest the same thing more than once. As the Law of Attraction states, like attracts like. Because you only get what you feel, the best thing to do is do it as often as it feels good to you.

It makes no difference how many times you manifest the same thing or what you manifest, as long as you do it with a positive attitude. It is your good feelings that are important.

Let’s go over this in more detail now.

Can You Manifest The Same Thing Over and Over?

Even though this is a specific question with a different answer for everyone, the general rule of thumb is that you should not manifest the same thing over and over again.

If you manifest the same thing every day, you run the risk of becoming obsessed with the whole manifestation process, sending emotions of lower frequency, and making it nearly impossible to actually manifest your desires.

Not only that, but when you are constantly thinking about your manifestation, you may experience feelings of doubt, limiting beliefs, and overthinking.

These feelings lower your vibration and throw you out of vibrational alignment with your desire. When you vibrate at a low frequency of doubt, you attract people, situations, and experiences that reinforce your doubt and limiting beliefs.

You should not manifest with negative energy or thoughts because it combines what you want and what you don’t want, which may lead to undesirable results.

Read: Can You Manifest Anything In Your Life? {Answered!}

How Many Times Should You Manifest The Same Thing?

If you approach life with an abundance mindset and live from the end, where your manifestation has already taken place, you can manifest the same thing every day. If, on the other hand, you’re coming from a place of scarcity and of lack, it’s best to manifest once and then let it go.

When we manifest the same thing every day, our brain is constantly reminded that we lack this specific thing and that we desperately need it.

So, how many times should you manifest the same thing?

  1. Go ahead and visualize on a daily basis if you feel aligned and can think positively about what you are attempting to manifest without any doubts or fears.
  2. If, on the other hand, you are the type of person who starts to overthink over your current situation and your limiting beliefs begin to kick in, manifest only once, and then let it go. You won’t be feeding negative energy into the thing you’re trying to manifest this way.

So it all comes down to your own self-esteem and ability to believe in yourself.

Obsessing and becoming desperate about your manifestation will undoubtedly slow it down from taking place.

Here are my top three strategies for increasing your chances of manifesting what you desire.

1. Get Clear on What You Want.

One way to do this is by journaling. Take out your journal and spend 10 minutes writing in it. Write down everything that comes to mind, then prioritize what you want the most. Begin with that first.

Make a list of exactly what you want to manifest into your life. What it looks like, how you’ll feel when you have it, and how it will affect your life if you get it. When it is clearly written out, you have a visual model of it.

The point is that you must be very specific in order to manifest your desires in life.

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2. Visualization.

Now that you’ve written down exactly what you want to manifest, it’s time to visualize it.

Visualize with intention, feeling the associated emotion as you go. You must imagine yourself in that desired future, experiencing the emotions you would experience if you had everything you desire.

Being the person who already has, is doing, and feels your goals, dreams, and desires can help you in becoming that person.

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3. Let it Go.

Many people make the mistake of not letting go of their desired result. This causes negative emotions such as doubt, desperation, and obsession, which throws you out of sync with the Universe.

The most important lesson to take away from this is to be patient and simply trust that the Universe has your back.

Even if your manifestation does not happen as quickly as you had hoped or in the way you expected. Trust that the Universe’s plan always outweighs yours and always leads to the greatest good.


It is definitely possible to manifest the same thing more than once because the Law of Attraction puts no limits on the number of things or times you can manifest.

With that being said, although it is possible to manifest the same thing over and over again, I would advise against it if you have any doubts or fears about your manifestation.

Happy manifesting!

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Theresa Bedford is a lifestyle and relationship writer with a passion for self-development and to live life to the fullest. She writes about relationships, mindfulness, and simple living. Her work has been seen on the AP newswire, MSN, Wealth of Geeks, Media Decision, and more.